Monday, 25 July 2016

16 eponymous signs in aortic regurgitation

Aortic regurgitation has more eponymous signs than any other clinical condition. Here are sixteen of them to look out for next time you're in the cardiology clinic.

Colour M-mode study showing aortic regurgitation
Becker's sign
Prominent pulsation of the retinal arteries

Corrigan's sign
Prominent pulsation of the carotid arteries

De Musset's sign
Head nodding in synchrony with the pulse

Duroziez's sign
Systolic and diastolic murmurs heard over the femoral artery while the vessel is being partially compressed by the stethoscope

Gerhardt's sign
Pulsation of the spleen

Hill's sign
A higher systolic blood pressure (>20 mmHg) in the legs than in the arms

Landolfi's sign
Constriction/dilatation of the pupil in synchrony with the pulse

Lighthouse sign
Flushing of the forehead in synchrony with the pulse

Lincoln sign
Prominent (excessive) pulsation of the popliteal artery

Mayne's sign
A drop in diastolic blood pressure of >15 mmHg after raising the arm above the head

Mueller's sign
Pulsation of the uvula

Quincke's sign
Prominent pulsation of the capillaries in the nail beds

Rosenbach's sign
Pulsation of the liver

Sherman sign
Prominent pulsation of the dorsalis pedis artery

Traube's sign
A double sound auscultated over the femoral artery during distal compression

Watson's water hammer pulse
A collapsing pulse palpated at the patient's forearm

If you know of any others, you can add them to the Comment section below this blog.

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